Day 1: 0 KM
Lost in Bishkek

Day 4: 390 KM
The road became worse, pavement to gravel and then... it just ended

Day 5: 562 KM
Military Checkpoints, families living from these hills, even those reminders of civilization begin to disappear

Day 7: 589 KM
This is why we take the trip, that is what we've come for

Day 11: 620 KM
We use the word suffering way to much, every adventure has both, the light, the dark, the toil, the reward

Day 12: 625 KM
Definitely feels like we're exploring the world, and that's a great thing

Day 14: 1003 KM
There are two choices in life, the known and the unknown, maybe this was the fact that we've come this far

Finally there's just one question, in this life, when the road comes to an end, will you keep pedaling?